Super Serious
I can’t be the only one whose been scolded to take something more seriously right?
“Oh this is just a game to you!”
“This is serious! You should take it seriously!”
Seriously? Ok let’s talk seriously. What does it mean to take something seriously? Often people in our society use the term (whether consciously or unconsciously) as a synonym for working so hard that you’re miserable.
“No Pain. No Gain.”
If you’re not warn out, you’re not taking things seriously enough. Oh you need to work so hard that your vacation becomes a necessary life support because without it you will drive yourself into the ground.
Isn’t this kind of strange that it doesn’t account for results. Like wear yourself down counts for more than the task being done well. And you know what, that’s important to notice. Research indicates that when you are happier, the results of your work will show a drastic improvement. So, if we were really taking things “seriously,” maybe you should just chill the fuck out so you can actually get your work done.
You may have noticed this about me, but I care very little for self-flagellation (beating yourself up for little to no reason). When people use the term seriously to indicate a lack of self-harm, as if it is a character flaw to hurt yourself, they are people who can’t be taken seriously.
I am well aware that I used the world “seriously” about 11 times so far in this post. I want to see if we can make a clean 20. As you can see, I’m taking this seriously.
But seriously in my case means that I’m writing this post, every week. It means that I’m practicing writing. It means that I’m trying to help others who have been in the same positions that I’ve been in. And it means that I am enjoying myself while doing all that.
You chose what being serious means to you. You want to hate yourself until you can barely find the strength to breath when you wake up? So serious. Or do you want to actually get shit done and be happy? Turn it into a game. Crack some jokes. The stakes may be high, but that’s exactly why you need to focus. Enjoy yourself, be happy, even if it’s just to be productive. Because that’s what it will be. It will always be more productive that hurting yourself to look like you take your life seriously.
Seriously? Yeah seriously. Fuck only made it to 17. Ok I think I’ll top it off. Anyone want to see a serious series about Sirius Black? Close enough.
All the best,